Pinnacle Multi-Sensory Reset Program

We are excited to announce 

We are the first clinic in Canada to offer the Pinnacle Multi-Sensory Reset program!

For over a decade, Sensory Learning has helped children and adults address learning problems associated with developmental delays, acquired brain injury or disorders affecting sensory functions. The Pinnacle Program relies on the fact that sensory perception is the foundation of our understanding of the world and the people around us.  Academic abilities, behaviour and emotional growth all rest upon how we organize what we see, hear and feel.

It has shown to be highly successful with sensory issues present across a wide spectrum of populations including:

  • Learning and Behaviour Problems
  • Autism/PDD
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  •  Trauma/PTSD
  • Sensory Integration Dysfunction
  • Developmental Delays
  •  Learning Enhancement

Training the Brain:  The Three Components


The Pinnacle Program uses a light instrument that projects a variety of colours, each with its own purpose and effect.  Just as sunlight can affect our mood, these different wavelengths help to bring balance to reduce the stress response (sympathetic system) and increase the activity of the “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) system.


The chair gently rotates in a figure eight pattern and is built to mimic the natural rhythm of the human body.  This will help to support and develop the balance system.  The process also helps to realign crystals in the inner ear that may have been displaced.


A variety of music is presented through headphones during each session.  The selection will vary day by day.  The volume will also change throughout the program, with emphasis on the right ear.  Studies have shown right ear dominance is better for auditory and language processing in the long term.

With this simultaneous presentation, the benefits of the three therapy modalities (sight, sound and balance) provided are more than the sum of the parts.  Many areas in the brain must respond at the same time when receiving information.  By presenting multiple sensory inputs, our patients can learn to integrate these different levels of input at a faster pace than standard therapy.

The Pinnacle program is a 30-day process and consists of three phases:

Phase 1:

Phase 1 includes a one-hour session each day from Monday to Friday for 2 consecutive weeks.  There is a home therapy component on the weekend that bridges the two weeks. 

Phase 2:

You will be given a home treatment regimen based on your individual needs.  Instructions will be given on the last day of in-office treatment.  These are to be done daily for the following 18 days.

You may also benefit from treatments from other appropriate providers (PT, OT, speech, etc).  We will give you guidance, if necessary, in finding someone to work with.

Phase 3:

The final phase will entail a 30 day recheck with Dr. Lalonde.  An ongoing plan of care will be established at this visit.  Please note, this therapy program may last up to 18 months.

This is a “maintenance” phase; everything you gain you will keep, but like anything, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”.  One thing that is often overlooked is the health and fitness aspect of recovery.  We are here and can assist in any capacity to help you be successful.  In order to advance the training of your brain, it is important to drink plenty of water, get adequate rest, eat right, and incorporate movement and stimulation into your day.

Please call us at (705)733-0190 to set up an appointment or to inquire into scheduling.

After sustaining a sever concussion, I was asked by all my healthcare providers what I wanted to achieve through all my therapy.  My goal was always to get my head back and feel like me again.  Over the past year my recovery has been slow with only minimal improvement.  The Pinnacle program was recommended and the result has been incredible.  I am finally on the way back to myself and after the first month I see an 80% improvement.  The program has been a godsend.


The goal of my vision therapy was to get my eyes working together.  My left eye had a habit of doing it’s own thing, totally ignoring working with my right eye.  After each Pinnacle session I would notice how my eyesight was improving.  Things looked brighter, clearer, crisper.  After only 1 week my left eye was already starting to work with the right.  My sleep also improved.  I was able to attend a couple of social functions over the holidays without experiencing social anxiety.  My ADHD symptoms are reduced and I am able to be more focused and productive in my life.  I highly recommend the Pinnacle Multi-Sensory Reset for anyone that wants to fast track their progress with healing.


I found Pinnacle to be very helpful in reducing my anxiety, improve my mood, increase my mental clarity, and improve my spatial awareness.  I believe it improved my balance, my vision, and even my hearing.  I would recommend Pinnacle to anyone who struggles with anxiety due to a concussion.  It was an absolute game changer!


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(705) 733-0190


4 Cedar Pointe Dr., Unit D, Barrie, L4N 5R7

Hours are 8:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday.